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Post Flirtation Label Origin Story
Field Notes • From Martha

Post Flirtation Label Origin Story

What is the story behind the Post Flirtation labels?


MARTHA: In 2015, a year after I started my business, I was still working my day job as an assistant winemaker, and I was making my [own] wine on nights and weekends. One night during harvest, this guy I had just started dating texted me and wanted to come bring me some takeout (which is very sweet) for dinner.

And he got to the winery and he saw that I still had a ton of work to do. It was 10 p. m. and he was like, "how can I help?" I told him I just finished filtering this barrel to do a filtration trial. I wanted to see what it tasted like pre-filtration and post-filtration, and see if there was any unwanted microbial activity, Brettanomyces in it. He was like, "I don't know what that means, but sure, I can help you." 

I told him, "Take a sample of that barrel and write pre-filtration on it. Take a sample of that other barrel, write post-filtration on it.  And I will keep these samples for a week or two and taste the results." So, a week or two goes by, I pull the sample bottles out, and instead of writing post-filtration, he's written post flirtation on it. He'd drawn little hearts on the piece of tape on the label. So, this guy was making moves. And it was really sweet and cute.

He is now my husband. He drew the label.  We were on on our first trip, I was about to fly to meet his family for the first time, and we were talking about "maybe, oh yeah, we should, I should just name a line post flirtation, it's such a good name."

And I was like, "yeah, I want two lovers on the label, lying on a rug." And so whether or not that's what you see when you look at the label, that's what we were going for. But he drew it on the back of a napkin at the airport, and I loved it. It felt like one of those wines where it's like, yeah, this is us.

And I hope people get that same vibe, too, when they're, when they're drinking it. I've had a lot of people come to me and be like, "yeah, this is us." And I always feel like, "yeah, because this is what love looks like."