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Try It Out! with Hanson of Sonoma
Field Notes • Cellar

Try It Out! with Hanson of Sonoma

You know the saying? When life gives you Meyer lemons, a few tons of Orange Muscat grapes and a serendipitous connection with a local distiller – make a wine spritzer!

This first iteration of Try It Out! created a place in our portfolio we didn't know we needed. This radically naked spritzer evokes sparkling blue pools swirling with bougainvillea petals and orange blossoms. It makes us want to go skinny dipping and wink at strangers. Most of all, our spritzer offers a boldly subtle reminder that delicious libations are meant to be shared. Check out that cute little bottle!



As climate change foists difficult vintages upon us, we recognize a need to find creative ways to insulate our business from pressure of fires, drought and late frost. The base grapes in our spritzer come from regions like Lodi that harvest early (before threat of fire), are traditionally less expensive, and have little disease pressure. 

Unlike Martha's wines that are carefully crafted to tell the story of a particular vineyard or county, Try it Out! seeks to capture a California state of mind. Meyer lemons (a regular lemon crossed with a mandarin orange) are common backyard trees here. Though orange blossom water was first distilled in the Middle East, it quickly found favor in Sicily. As with all of Martha's wines, there's a nod to her formative time in Sicily through a quintessentially California lens. 

Hanson's Distillery organic grape-based spirit Meyer lemon infusion for Martha Stoumen's Try it Out!

Hand-peeled organic lemons. We used real fruit; no artificial flavorings, added sugars, or fake anything.


We were introduced to Hanson of Sonoma at a Women’s History month fireside chat hosted by Haus. Drawn to their ethos, focus on craft, and quality of ingredients, we found synergy in bringing this project to life. We infused Hanson’s organic grape-based spirit with organic Meyer lemon peels to bring some signature California sunshine to this spritzer. 

 Hanson's of Sonoma team_grape picking

The Hanson's team sampling grapes for their organic distilled spirits.

We immediately connected with the Hanson family's commitment to organics. Unlike other distillers, Hanson's of Sonoma makes their vodka with wine grapes. Their distinctive process makes vodka that tastes better and aligns with our ethos around working in harmony with nature. 
Making a Meyer Lemon Infusion with Hanson's organic grape-based spirit

The making of our Meyer lemon infusion at Hanson's Distillery in Sonoma. 

TRY IT OUT! 2020

Try It Out! 2020 offers a persistent, delightful bubble soothes the palate with whispers of lemon and orange blossom. Bone dry yet creamy on the nose, this 8% ABV natural wine spritzer boldly goes where no spritzer has gone before. Try It Out! 


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